An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes.For more information regarding this legislative proposal, go to THOMAS, select “Bill Number,” search on (An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes).To prevent endless shuttling of bills between the House and Senate, bills like An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes are referred to joint committees made up of members of both houses.
#Garrison north dakota full
Proposals are referred to committees for preliminary consideration, then debated, amended, and passed (or rejected) by the full House or Senate.An Act may be pass in identical form with or without amendments and with or without conference. If the two bodys of the Congress versions of an Act are not identical, one of the bodies might decide to take a further vote to adopt the bill (see more about the Congress process here). An Act (like An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes) or a resolution cannot become a law in the United States until it has been approved (passed) in identical form by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as signed by the President (but see (5)).Authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. Summary of An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes: Govtrack.Date Enacted (signed, in general (6), by President):.Assignment Process: See Committe Assignments (5).Official Title as Introduced: An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes (4).Senate Energy and Natural Resources (SSEG) Act Overview It was referred to the following Committee(s): (2) Īn Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes became law (1) in the United States on An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposesĪn Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes Act DetailsĪn Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Minot extension of the Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project in North Dakota, and for other purposes was, as a bill, a proposal (now, a piece of legislation) introduced on null in the House of Commons and Senate respectively of the 91 United States Congress by Fred George Aandahl in relation with.