Don’t trust yourself with the promise that the white presentation will be enhanced later on when you have time. It is so much easier to start off with a good template. Force everyone in your company to start with this template. Let them set up a PowerPoint template with your logo, a given font, your style and so on.

The first problem can be fixed by investing in a professional PowerPoint design agency or freelancer. You recognize this problem when you see those black bars at the left and at the right of the slideshow, in order to equally center the slideshow on the larger screen or resolution.

The slideshow was set up as a standard size of 4:3 on a wide screen 16:9 television screen.
#16x9 aspect ratio calculator movie#
A wide-screen or typical 16:9 movie on a typical television screen. It played an hotel promotion video showing the rooms, facilities, restaurants etc. Close to the reception desk, there was a big television screen mounted to the wall.